JIP Space Projects

What is the JIP project?

The JIP project is an interdisciplinary master course at TU Delft, open to nearly all students from the TU Delft as well as students from Leiden University and Erasmus University Rotterdam depending on their study programme. 

  • Students work full-time in groups of five on a challenge identified by industry for a total of 10 weeks. 
  • By the end of the project, students have developed skills in working across disciplines and from a challenge-driven perspective. 

Why should your company join?

  • To introduce an actual challenge that you encounter in your company, that will be tackled by passionate master students.
  • To experience an engineering focused mix of disciplines and nationalities.
  • To work in a team with master students with complementary problem solving skills.
  • To connect with the interdisciplinary academic staff of TU Delft.
  • To add value to innovative integrated design and business development by ‘out of the box’ thinking.
  • To bridge the current gap between the academic world and professional real-life environment.

​ Space and space-related companies that have joined the JIP Space Projects:

As part of the LDE Space for Science & Society programme’s objective we strive to have up to ten Space (related) JIP projects from the national and European space sector. JIPs run from September to mid November (10 weeks) and challenges can be submitted in february and march.

Contact us

If your company or institute has a challenge in mind or questions about being a project customer please don’t hesitate to contact Peter Batenburg, the LDE Space Programme manager or the JIP organisation.