Our Partners

NL Space Campus

NL Space campusNL Space Campus is seen as the Dutch Space gateway and because it is home to ESA’s technical centre ESTEC, ESA incubator (SBIC) and the Galileo Reference Centre (GRC) seen as a European Space Hub with growth potential. Together with the strong space cluster and in specific together with de worldclass LDE universities as an important knowledge carrier of the campus they want to stimulate the collaboration with other European Space Hubs. The NL Space Campus is rapidly developing into a fully-fledged space campus. Here, innovative space organisations – from start-ups and scale-ups to established companies, knowledge and research institutions – stimulate each other to share knowledge and expertise and, in doing so, to strengthen each other. In turn, this attracts new national and international high-tech and space organisations and companies.

Space Research Institutes

Our researchers work together with researchers from local and international research institutes to advance space capabilities and use for daily life. Among these research institutes are: When it comes to strengthening Zuid-Holland’s – and, by extension, the Dutch – space ecosystem, LDE Universities and NL Space Campus are not acting alone. They cooperate closely with a large number of research institutes and companies that focus partly or entirely on space. Key names include: