Summer School

What is the LDE NL Space Campus Summer School?

LDE NL Space Campus Summer School provides a hands-on experience in the Dutch Space sector to bachelor’s and master’s students from Dutch and international universities without any prior knowledge of space topics. This 7-day programme introduces participants to space organisations like ESA ESTEC, Westend, TNO, Demcon, S[&]T, SRON, and Airbus, helping students understand the basics of space topics and recent developments. Beyond space topics, the Space Summer School emphasises personal growth through team-building exercises, workshops, and collaborative activities. These activities enhance crucial skills like communication and creative thinking, which are very important aspects of the space industry. Networking events and company visits, including a closing barbecue, provide unique chances to connect. Working within interdisciplinary teams of individuals with backgrounds in marketing, instrumentation, science, law, engineering, business, and more, students undertake projects throughout the week guided by space experts. At the week’s conclusion, teams present their innovative solutions to their client.

  • Students experience working in an interdisciplinary team to solve challenges that the space market is currently facing.
  • Students learn about the activities, developments and challenges in the Dutch Space sector.
  • Students find out how and where they can work in the Dutch space sector.

Why should your company join?

  • To come in contact with students of multiple disciplines and universities.
  • To introduce an actual challenge that you encounter in your company, that will be tackled by passionate students.
  • To gain a fresh perspective on a challenge that you encounter in your organization.
  • To potentially bring in new and enthusiastic employees with the latest knowledge and a fresh critical view.
  • To bridge the current gap between the professional environment and the academic world.

Contact us

Feel free to contact Peter Batenburg, our LDE Space programme manager or NL Space Campus to discuss opportunities within the summer school for your company!