space day
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Working towards a better space


The LDE Space for Science and Society is the Leiden-Delft-Erasmus universities alliance’s collaboration programme in the field of space. Our mission:

   Working together to stimulate education, innovation & research for and from space to create new scientific and technological breakthroughs and to advance new solutions for grand societal challenges.”

We believe that collaboration between researchers and educators from different disciplines is crucial for tackling the larger societal challenges that result from climate change and to work on the UN Sustainability goals. Space research, technology, data and the increasing capabilities they provide will have an increasing role in these challenges. To advance the capabilities that space is offering, we stimulate research (and education) on the use of space technology, space data and other space assets for gaining better insights in the processes on Earth and making life more sustainable.

With our programme we stimulate interdisciplinary research and set up interdisciplinary education programmes.

Learn more about Space Research at LDE 

With our education LDE space education programmes we want to provide students the opportunity to learn about other disciplines and work together on solving challenges that cannot be tackled with a single expertise. These skills and insights are valuable for them in future careers in the space sector. 

Learn more about LDE Space education

Within these education programmes we work together with the space sector for real life space challenges and exchange with experts from space industry, institutes and agencies. With this we strive to provide students to opportunity to get acquainted with the sector and the possibilities of space technology, science and data and provide a sector to get to know the future workforce and stimulate the students to pursue a career in or with space.

Learn more about the possibilities to get involved